2 Jul 2022


The challenge of buzzwords: We all know some, we all find ourselves using them; sometimes without fully recognising what they are at the time.

Buzzwords are words or phrases that sound important and technical, yet which may be rather empty when people try to get more information.

Buzzwords can communicate a lot of information in a small space; as they may be useful jargon in a conversation that’s idiomatic to a particular context.
Furthermore, buzzwords can convey a lot more than just a cultural understanding; they can set a tone or a mood for a context, before more substantive content is shared.

However, if the specifics of a buzzword are not understood, or are misunderstood, then they can hinder communication rather than help it. If a listener is puzzling over what ‘synergy’ means they may miss what you’re trying to tell them; or if an email is full of empty or watered-down phrases used as buzzwords, it can be perceived as vacuous, and the desired communication can be overlooked.

This can be a challenge of buzzwords, and clarification might be needed. For example, ‘spilling tea’ may mean chatting to one person, while another is searching for a towel to mop up an upturned beverage. Acronyms like FOMO or TL;DR are shortcuts understood by computer texters, while to others they may appear the product of a cat’s journey across the keyboard.
While the question “What do you mean by that?” (or similar) may feel awkward at first, it can help articulate the actual issue or situation, to both speaker and listener.

Buzzwords can be powerful, so long as we are intentional and careful about using them. If we are unclear about the words we ourselves are using, we may be sharing messages that are mixed or even hurtful. We benefit from a careful use of language and overall communication, to ensure we don’t get caught in the buzz of buzzwords.
Especially when we are speaking about people’s faith journey, their spiritual growth, or a religious experience, clarity is key and simplicity is sometimes the best option.

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