11 Mar 2017

Prayers, Pizza, and Park Avenue!

            Yesterday morning I flew into New York City.  I'm here with the honour of representing the Anglican Church of Canada at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW). (see uncsw.org for information)
            The Anglican Communion Office compiles a delegation, individuals appointed by their respective Primates, to be present at the various plenary sessions, parallel and side events. We 22 women are a small addition to the approximate 6,000 people that gather here, but we are here, and will have an impact.
            So last night we had our first orientation meeting. We met at an office building right on Park Avenue - quite the space! The views of the city were breath-taking! This was clearly NOT a traditional space to rent out, certainly not for folks looking to keep to a reasonable budget.
            So how did we get there? Well, by donation. Through a connection, and a request, the company donated the use of the space - and they even brought in dinner for us all. Pizza on Park Avenue!
            What a wonderful way to show support for the mission and ministry of the Anglican delegates! What a beautiful demonstration of solidarity and commitment to the broader experience of working for gender equality and women's rights!

            Thus a donation allowed us a very comfortable evening; a time to begin to get to know one another, to learn of our experiences, to pray together and learn about our shared journey for the next 2 weeks while here, and the ongoing work.
            This business responded to a request to support this: so can everyone reading this. It may be through learning and sharing the information about the CSW, it may be through ongoing ministry towards women's rights, it may be by inviting speakers to visit or preach at your parish.
            But here is the firm ask: please, pray. Support us in prayer: those who are present, those who have contributed their time and skill and  experience. Support the women and girls in your life by holding them in your daily prayers - you never know how they will enhance the status of women world-wide - maybe one year they too will be sharing pizza and prayers on Park Avenue.

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