22 Oct 2017

No Special Effects

I seldom go to the cinema, but this week had a lovely night out with a friend. We enjoyed the film: the story was poignant, the casting great, the score was subtle, the cinematography was impressive.
What was missing was special effects.
Please note: they were missing, but they were not lacking.
The story was so beautifully crafted that all the emotions and nuances were conveyed: there was death, but no gore; conflict, but no rage; love, but no dramatic PDAs. A close-up of a raised eyebrow expressed expectation; an unquestioned absurd exercise demonstrated loyalty; a subtle colour change (from black to navy) indicated a lightened mood.
And there was nothing lacking. In fact, I perceived the story to have been better presented as a result: we were not distracted by special effects, the film's quality was higher as we were not dazzled by explosions or car chases or aliens or...

I find worship to be like this.
In worship, we come to the source of all love and light and grace and mercy. We come for an authentic experience of our dance with the divine. We neither need to artificially enhance this, nor could we! The presence of Christ in our lives is a gift beyond our understanding, any attempt to make this gift 'better' or 'fancier' or 'shinier' would detract from its truth.
We don't need artificially created special effects added after the fact: we have the opportunity to worship the truly Divine.
Our buildings do not need spotlights to draw people in: the light of Christ should do that.
Our sanctuaries do not need neon signs pointing to attractions: the symbols and structures reflect the beautiful nuances of our history and tradition.
The Gospel does not need any enhancements, as it is both the greatest story ever told and an invitation for all the world to journey with the Lord.
Our liturgy is celebrated in whatever manner we are comfortable, as the words are merely serve as an invitation to the banquet table of eternity.

As St Paul assures us that absolutely nothing in this world will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus (Rom 8.38), I pray that nothing in this world will be able to separate us from the beauty of worship. May we worship the Lord in the beauty of Holiness (Ps 96.9), not be dazzled and distracted by whatever the world may offer.

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