1 Jan 2022

Resolving Resolutions

As we ponder (or have pondered) what our New Year’s Resolutions may be, the topic invites us to reflect on the “me” of the past, and anticipate the potential of “me” in the future.

This year, I‘ve seen some folks reflecting on how they wanted to set their expectations quite high for themselves for 2022, to get out of the 2021 rut. Others have commented on the need to set the bar really low so it’s attainable… even if we learn more COVID-inspired Greek this year. (ugh!)

My hope is that in the time of reflection, we will set any resolutions to be meaningful, contextual, and appropriate. For some folks, an ambitious set of resolutions may be inspiring and encouraging; whereas for another person too-lofty goals may be paralysing and depressing. We have to know ourselves, and be honest with ourselves, before we can settle into a resolution that will stick.

My next hope is that in our resolutions, they answer the “why” of it – what is it that is unresolved in us from the past that we wish to be resolved in the coming year? Will our lives be better for it, and is that part of our intention? If not, we can still articulate an intention (like steps walked in a day or books read each month) but recognise it as a habit or a goal – these are different from each other, and from resolutions.

And finally, in my own goals and resolutions for the year, I aspire to be gentle with myself, and to know what is practical and what is enough. My book-reading goal, for example, has been at the same number for several years – and I do not feel the need to change that: for in considering my time and love of reading, it is a number and format that fits with my lifestyle and my preferences. It is enough; I have nothing to prove to anyone else, it brings enjoyment, it helps enrich my life. It does not define me, or my worth; I am enough (but I'm still going to read!)

Whatever your resolutions, I pray they will be helpful and fun, that they will be a happy part of your 2022, that your genuine self will experience a fulfilling of desire.
Happy New Year!

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