18 Aug 2024

One More Chapter

As an avid reader, I often have multiple books on the go. This summer, I’ve treated myself to a few novels that are outside my normal genres, and a few that are new releases. (My library card is my best friend!)

The challenge with these books, however, is that I want to read them. All. Simultaneously.

The reality of life is that I enjoy doing other things; and sometimes do not get as much reading time as I might prefer. Almost every night, I’m in bed with my novel, long after the dogs have started snoring.

This means I am usually quite keen in the storyline after it’s time for me to turn off the lights… and yet, I continue to tell myself “just one more chapter…” so much so, that there are times when I know my eyes are closed, but I keep holding the book open anyway.

Any reader can attest that the next chapter is of indeterminate length; the last book I finished had a chapter that reached 100 pages, my current novel tends to hover around 5 pages each. Regardless of length, readers always want to conclude that one… more… chapter.

My long-standing reading habits this week had me pondering on the enthusiasm and commitment we make to reading, to engage in the next section full of unknowns.

What in our faith journey has us that enticed? What aspect of service would make us want to stay up late to complete? What areas of prayer do we leap into without consideration of how long we may spend in them?

And if we aren’t excited about living our faith to the same extent that we are about our hobbies – why not? What do we need to do to re-engage (like finding a new genre of novel)?

The questions will endure, but I hope the continue the pondering… as reading is a daily aspect of my life, so too ought my faith be put into action on such a regular basis.


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