Blessed are the pew smilers: who sit in the pew and nod, encouraging me even in the tired sermons of a low Sunday.
Blessed are the fluff-finders: who remove the (seemingly unending) dog fluff from my sweater.
Blessed are the phone-answerers: the friend who answers my call even when busy, because even 30 seconds of connection brings a smile to both our faces.
Blessed are the collaborators: who commit to working together, trusting me to share in a task too big for any of us to do alone.
Blessed are the safe-spacers: who share a trust to be entirely vulnerable about life’s realities.
Blessed are the name-users: who intentionally interject my name while we are chatting, as though it is a sacred word.
Blessed are the complimenters: who seek an honest positivity to elevate each conversation.
Blessed are the picture-senders: who share their life with me through unremarkable daily images, or remind me of a long-standing joke with a humorous GIF.
Blessed are the patient, who know my lack of phoning is because life has happened, and time zones are unforgiving.
Blessed are the joy-seekers: whose focus inspires all around them to also seek and share joy.
Blessed are the laughers: who go out of their way to share in happiness (and don't care that I'm loud!)
Blessed are the texters: who send messages that convey love and kinship, regardless of distance.
Blessed are the pausers: who pause after asking how I am today, because they really want to listen to my response.
Blessed are the Zoomers: who share lengthy chats full of joy, even when it’s been too long (and when hugs just can’t happen).
Blessed are the huggers: who reach out their arms to ensure that love is felt.
Blessed are the gracious: who don't care about the tumbleweeds of dog-hair on the floor, because they have come to see me (not a perfect house).
Blessed are the noticers: who see subtle nuance and inquire gently about the change.
Blessed are all my friends: whose very presence makes the world a better place, and inspire me to be the best version of myself.
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